Is there a way to make learning Korean a more joyful experience?

Learn Korean while having fun with webtoons!


Korean isn't just a challenging language, it's a beautiful one어바웃타이틀.jpg

With the spread of Hallyu culture, the demand for learning Korean has grown, but offline education is struggling to keep up with this demand.In a Korean language education market lacking a structured curriculum and learning system, the Toonigo team focused on how to make learning Korean easier and more effective for people.

For the new generation accustomed to learning through digital platforms and content, Toonigo developed the world’s first system for learning Korean through webtoons.

The system is designed so that learners can achieve up to TOPIK Level 4 proficiency by following Toonigo’s continuous coaching while reading webtoons.

We are committed to continually updating our service to help everyone learning Korean enjoy a more engaging experience while achieving their language goals.


Toonigo aims to provide services in over 30 languages across more than 100 countries.

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Anyone around the world can easily learn Korean.

Toonigo is redefining the landscape of Korean language education


Toonigo bridges the world through the Korean language

Korean language education market Total addressable market : 150 million people Serviceable available market : 32 million people


Toonigo is at the forefront of revolutionizing Korean language education!


Toonigo is paving the way for the future of Korean language education.


  • October: Official launch of Toonigo service
  • August: Certified as a venture company
  • April: Secured technology guarantee fund
  • March: Established an affiliated research institute; Signed an MOU with the KBS Korean Language Promotion Institute
  • February: Signed an MOU with the Korea Webtoon Association for content supply
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  • November: Established Toonigo Company, Inc.
  • October: Signed agreements with webtoon creators and foreign instructors
  • August: Registered a patent for a foreign language learning system using webtoons (Patent No. 10-2566127)
  • July: Held the inaugural meeting of corporate founders and secured angel investment
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  • October: Formed the Korean Language Business Team (CEO Chulmin Song, Vice CEO Yona Kim)
  • September: Conducted a survey on the demand and supply in the Korean language education market
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